domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

CubesViewer 2.0.1 released!

I'm very proud to release CubesViewer 2.0.1, a major review of my database visual analytics application.

This is a major release of CubesViewer featuring tons of improvements, new features, a rebranded look and feel as well as a new code architecture that greatly eases development and paves the way for following versions.

CubesViewer has undergone a major upgrade. The code is now built upon AngularJS, and the UI framework has been migrated from jQueryUI to Bootstrap and Angular Bootstrap components. HTML has been rewritten and separated into easier to handle templates.

The application is now more responsive and mobile friendly and looks more stylish overall. CSS has been reworked and namespaced, easing integration into other web documents.

Migration to AngularJS has involved an comprehensive refactoring and review of every module, and we trust it's been for the better. Internally, the build pipeline now uses Less, Grunt and Bower, and a lot of dependencies have been removed. All together allow CubesViewer to now be distributed as a single .js file (minified version also available) and accompanying .css file. JSDoc has also been introduced.

Other additions feature:
  • Printer friendly CSS.
  • Export charts as images.
  • New horizontal bars chart.
  • Line and area charts with curved lines.
  • Improved error reporting and user interface.
  • CubesViewer Server (optional) upgraded to Django 1.9.
  • Plugin for cube usage tracking via Google Analytics.
  • Improved documentation and tutorials.
I hope to be soon publishing an open data site using CubesViewer. In the meanwhile, it's open source! Download it, use it, share it and contribute :).

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